technology negotiation

英 [tekˈnɒlədʒi nɪˌɡəʊʃiˈeɪʃn] 美 [tekˈnɑːlədʒi nɪˌɡoʊʃiˈeɪʃn]




  1. After obtaining the letter of intent for licensing the technology export, the applicant may begin substantive negotiation, and conclude a contract for the technology export.
  2. With the progress of e-commerce and the applications of Agent technology, the autonomous negotiation between traders becomes one of the main issue which needs to be considered.
  3. Mobile-agent technology is applied to establish negotiation mechanism to improve the automatic processing flow and negotiation mechanism, which will establish the framework in electronic commerce trade-off negotiation system.
  4. This paper constructed a new model of e-auction system using the technology of mobile agent. It discussed the key technologies of mobile agent including negotiation protocol, negotiation strategy, bidding price strategy and mobile Agent, such as saving bandwidth, offline and the character of anonymity.
  5. Introducing the related conceptions about electronic commerce and negotiation, and some advantages of Agent technology applied to e-commerce, as well as the prosess of Agent-based negotiation.
  6. A negotiation technology for the parts& components suppliers based on the maximum time control strategy was proposed aiming to control the cost of negotiation process through Internet.
  7. Research of Several Key Technology of Negotiation in Multi-Agent System
  8. As contracting parties of intellectual property treaties, under-developed countries should make the most of their status and rights to strive for advantages for their own development of science and technology, economy and culture, by way of the international negotiation and harmonizing mechanism.
  9. With the development of negotiation theory, computer and communication technology, network technology, Negotiation Support System ( NSS) has come forth as the response to the rising requirement Firstly, some studies on contents of NSS are reviewed in this paper.
  10. Because of the immaturity of current technology and the insufficient understanding of the negotiation model, there are many limitations to the current application systems.
  11. Influence of feature technology of vehicle with rubber-tyre bogie on curving negotiation performance
  12. At the beginning, this paper gives brief introduction about related work and depicts agent technology and agent-based negotiation.
  13. This thesis outlines the development trend and key technology about VoIP, and the research emphasis is put on the sip signaling, real time transport and media negotiation.
  14. The paper introduces the application of LL Encryption technology in middleware Tuxedo, discusses which types of ATMI links LLE applies to 、 How LLE Works 、 Encryption Key Size Negotiation 、 LLE Installation and Licensing 、 how to Configure LLE on Tuxedo and so on.
  15. IKE is automation key management protocol of IPSec, it was built on the framework that was defined by Internet Security Association and Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol, it defined its unique technology of producing verification and encryption material and negotiation shared policy.
  16. The mobile agent technology applied to e-commerce can achieve a series of individual services ranging from intelligent resource discovery to virtual market negotiation on network.
  17. And carry on the experiment to the key technology which improved IKE. main mode of digital signature authentication, and analyse the negotiation process and result, proving whether to reach the anticipated negotiation and encryption result or not.
  18. 2, Qos problem is not paid much attention in former Web Service technology. whereas. many applications connect with QoS, so the paper puts forward QoS of Web Service technology and methods of improving it such as establishing dynamically QoS negotiation runtime mechanism.
  19. As maglev train technology advanced towards the level of commercial application, dynamic simulations of maglev vehicle/ guideway system used more detail and complex coupling models. And great progress is made in studies on the maglev vehicle/ guideway vertical interaction, curve negotiation and random vibration.
  20. With Agent technology and multi-Agent system development and gradual maturation, automated negotiation will further promote the development of electronic commerce.
  21. In order to carry out the negotiation process, the negotiation system based on information technology such as computer and network technology is constructed as negotiation architecture to accomplish all activities in negotiation process.
  22. Lastly, applying the multi-agent technology, we put forward the method and strategy of implementing one-to-many negotiation based on the frame of this negotiation system. Thus, some difficult problems of preventing the development of negotiation system partly are solved.
  23. Agent-based auto-negotiation technology is the innovation of traditional negotiation technology and promotes the development of the DAI in terms of theory and practice.
  24. Researches in multi-agent technology exposes different negotiation methods of negotiation related to price bargaining.
  25. With the development of some technologies such as artificial intelligence and agent technology, automated negotiation mode is used generally in service trading.
  26. Currently the technology support of e-commerce is still weak, especially in the domain of auto negotiation.